In the book of James
chapter 3 we are told about the power that this small part of the body has in
directing the course of our lives! Crazy right?! But what we say can create
positive situations OR cause their destruction!!
Words are the building blocks
of life that can literally make or break an individual – if you think negative,
you’ll most likely speak negative and ultimately act negatively – and the sad
thing is many of us, including myself, don’t really realise that!
The simplest
of sayings such as forever talking down on yourself e.g. “I’ll never be as
smart as them” or “I’m forever tired” (one of my personal favourite?!) or
“what’s the point in trying, I’ll just fail anyway” *sigh* – well have we ever
thought that we possibly fail, because we always say we’ll fail, so act like
we’ve already failed – then fail? Just a thought!
No-one likes to be around
someone that wreaks negativity, they’re depressing (it’s worse than dealing
with B.O)! It cannot emphasise enough that we were made with the
ability to do sooo much, but we can’t just expect to get up one day and do it
to a high standard without vigorously exercising the skill required. Exercise
= Pain. The more you gym, the stronger and more fit you become for the task
(regardless of the muscular pain along the way!).
Remember what we say about ourselves, others, our
situations and our future is VITAL to what it/they/we will be.
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