From the
comfort of my room, which happens to overlook the garden, I could hear and see
that it was a windy day. It wasn’t until I left the house that I appreciated
the intensity of the wind. Now at this moment in time you’re probably thinking
“has this girl never experienced a windy day?” and don’t get me wrong, I have
MANY times (I live in Great Britain, so believe me when I say I have). However
this time was very different. Why? Because it almost took me out – I nearly got
swept off my feet (and not the Walt-Disney’s-handsome-knight-in-shining-armour
picture!). I’ve never had to work so hard to put one foot in front of the other,
whilst maintaining balance and accelerating; a movement I believe we earthlings
term as: walking. I simply struggled to do this!
I’m quite a
transparent individual, so I’ll be honest and tell you that my experience with
the wind yesterday is a true reflection of my life at this moment in time. I
feel like I’m living life against the
current- decisions, bills, deadlines, pressures - and I’m sure there are
many others going through similar situations.
This blog
will not tell you how to win the ‘battle against the winds’, because to be
quite frank with you only God can help us to overcome them (Romans 8:37). What
I will do is tell you these 3 things:
1. The
sun still shines. Remember that the sun rises daily. The wind can blow
and the rain can choose to join in, but there is always a ray of hope.
We can almost guarantee that the sun will soon rise over the horizon of our
situations. Reminding ourselves of our blessings (i.e. the things we find
ourselves being favoured with) can shift our perspective. Last year I made a
poster of all the things (I could think of at the time) that I am blessed with
and stuck it on my wall. Over the summer I moved house and haven’t put it back
up - perhaps it’s time to display it once again!
2. The
plants can grow. In GCSE biology (that’s approximately 10/11th
grade for all those outside of GB) we were taught about “wind pollination”.
I’ll recap (in VERY basic terms) for those of us who slept in that class! *Pay
attention class* Wind pollination is the process where pollen from the male
plant is transferred by the wind to fertilise the female plant, so she
can produce offspring. *Class dismissed lol*
The well
known method of pollen transfer is through the busy bees that spot a scented
flower, nose around inside, and jump to the next flower consequently taking
some pollen along with it. However there are some plants that do not produce
smells, therefore do not attract busy bees. In this case the wind is so vital
in making sure that that species of plant lives on! Pollen is small and often
hidden by the flower’s petals; in our own lives we have many ‘pollen grains’ of
greatness. These include our (discrete and overt) characteristics, skills and
talents. Many of them remain hidden because we perceive them as being ‘small’,
many of them remain hidden because we are unaware we even contain such amazing potential.
The wind of opposition often helps us to draw out & release the things we
have within. Who knows if we would have ever discovered or developed a part of
ourselves without the wind? (James 1:2-4)
3. Seasons
change. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)This year summer was an average of 2weeks?!
However prior to the effects of global warming we experienced an even amount of
the 4 seasons: autumn, winter, spring & summer. We may not enjoy all
seasons, but each season has its significance and each is as important as the
other. The wind of my situation won’t blow forever, and neither will yours. Keep
pushing against the current; it’s quite a good workout! Use it as an
opportunity to develop your spiritual biceps and quads, because once the wind
has settled you will have the strength to tackle what you once thought you were
too weak too.
Final words:
It is important to stay protected; even cars have windscreens. Whether it’s
raining or 30°C, if you NEED to go somewhere you’ll go – you’ll either
take an umbrella or slap on some sun-screen. In the same way life MUST keep
progressing so we need to let the Holy Spirit be the source of our protection
in every season. Surround yourself with friends, form a support network, get a
mentor, keep accountable to someone you deem as trustworthy! “Read your bible,
pray everyday...” *Sings* This Sunday school classic has a more than valid
point. God’s word is the light source of our journey (Psalm 119:105) and there
is power in prayer!
Because our
God is more than able, as His children we inherit His “able” gene (Genesis
1:27). We are able to move forward against the current.
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