Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Bring It Back!

Isaiah 29:13 NLT
"And so the Lord says:
'These people say they are mine.
They honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
And their worship of me
is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote'"

Was talkin with wise ladies last night over some really nice chicken (thank you Lord 4 Nandos!) and at some point in the convo the scripture above came out. It was playing on my mind this mornin so I gave it more thought and reread it.

When I gave thought to the seriousness in this verse, I could only wonder how much it grieves Gods heart 4us 2give him empty worship, one without substance, one that implies "there u go God, that's me done 4 2day" 

It's like tryna spend time with ur guy and they are more interested in playing FIFA, or tryna talk 2ur sister but she's more interested in watching eastenders. They may still b communicating with u, but not wholeheartedly, thier passion lies with whatever they are focusing on at that time. 

I thought about the way our minds, my mind wonders during worship (esp in song). We will fully be singing every word kno every adlib but it goes something like this instead:
"I love You Lord"
(why does she always sing this song?!)
"and I lift my voice"
(I wonder if he's coming 2day?)
"To worship You oh my soul rejoice"
(I shoulda worn the grey skirt 2day instead)
"take joy my King"
(hmmm I'm thinkin my next weave shud b Brazilian, but braids would suit me 2tho)
"in what u hear"
(I best past by barber's shop 2moro, I need a shape up, man needs 2b lukin fresh still)
"may it be a sweet, sweet sound"
(Yaaay he's here now! K gotta use the mirror after 2brush up)
"in Your ear"
(mums makin jollof 2day *azontos-in-his-mind*)

Now of course that was an extreme example, to illustrate a point, but there are many elements of truth within it and I pray God helps us 2give Him worship with substance. With a pure heart and a clear mind, minimal (preferably no) distractioins! Psalm 24:3-6 NLT says: "Who may climb the mountain of the LORD?
Who may stand in his holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
who do not worship idols
and never tell lies. They will receive the LORD’s blessing
and have a right relationship with God their savior. Such people may seek you
and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob"

We can only aim 2meet such criteria, but in my opinion its better 2try, fail and try again than not 2try at all. The only thing that will enable us 2keep striving 2this standard of pure worship is God's GRACE.

In the same way I prepare ingredients 2cook a meal, I wanna prepare my mind, heart, soul, spirit and body before I worship our Holy God! How? Personally 4me its my wondering mind so this scripture will become its anchor: Philippians 4:8 NLT "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

Hope that encouraged someborry! Comments, additions (subtractions evn) gladly h'accepted!

Have a bombuloblastic day (thats actually gna be my new phrase - yes I'm FULLY gassed!) 